AI for Health by Artefact


Elodie Brient-Litzler

Institut Pasteur, Avatar Medical

Head of innovation, Co-Founder


Elodie Brient-Litzler, holds a doctorate in biochemistry from Pierre and Marie Curie University, graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and Chimie Paristech. She did her thesis in protein engineering at the Institut Pasteur. She then joined the R&D teams of the French engineering company Bertin Technologies to work on biodetection technologies. She also managed academic partnerships in biotechnology. Four years later, she joined Andrew Griffiths' laboratory at ESPCI, whose mission is to establish and manage public-private R&D projects in the field of microfluidics applied to biology (in particular DigiDiag, a program national PIA of € 20 million for microfluidic diagnostics). She participated in the launch of the HiFiBiO start-up. She joined the Institut Pasteur in 2015, where she was Deputy Director of Citech until 2018 when she joined the Innovation Development Department when it was created. She is now in charge of maturing technologies for life sciences and Medtech. She is co-founder of the start-up AVATAR MEDICAL.

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