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AI for Health Summit 2024
Summit 2024
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Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇫🇷 À la croisée des mondes de l'industrie et de la santé : transferts de technologies et...
Comment l'un des plus grands industriels aéronautique mondial et l'un des principaux pôles de recherche en oncologie français collaborent-ils sur des enjeux...
🇫🇷 Analyses génétiques en oncologie, vers de nouveaux horizons pour la prise en charge des...
🇫🇷 Analyses génétiques en oncologie, vers de nouveaux horizons pour la prise en charge des...
🇫🇷 Comment mobiliser l'écosystème pour favoriser l'utilisation des données de vie réelle ?
🇫🇷 Comment mobiliser l'écosystème pour favoriser l'utilisation des données de vie réelle ?
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇫🇷 Construire le futur de la psychiatrie de précision dans le parcours de soin de pathologies...
Current approaches to the detection, diagnosis and monitoring of psychiatric disorders rely heavily on the experience of the psychiatrist and on physician-patient...
🇫🇷 Data Challenge 2022 : accélérer le développement de projets collaboratifs autour de la donnée...
🇫🇷 Data Challenge 2022 : accélérer le développement de projets collaboratifs autour de la donnée...
🇫🇷 Data Challenge 2022 : accélérer le développement de projets collaboratifs autour de la donnée...
🇫🇷 Data Challenge 2022 : accélérer le développement de projets collaboratifs autour de la donnée...
🇫🇷 Data, IA et parcours de santé CSF
🇫🇷 Data, IA et parcours de santé CSF
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇫🇷 Données, sport... et santé : le triptyque d'une symphonie gagnante
Et si le sport pariait sur l'IA pour suivre, analyser et améliorer ses performances sportives (et sa santé) ? En vu des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024, les projets de...
🇫🇷 Former pour mieux soigner : comment les outils d'IA s'intègrent-ils dans les flux de travail...
🇫🇷 Former pour mieux soigner : comment les outils d'IA s'intègrent-ils dans les flux de travail...
🇫🇷 France Quantum initiative - horizon 2023
🇫🇷 France Quantum initiative - horizon 2023
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇫🇷 IA et vaccin contre le cancer : où en sommes-nous ?
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇫🇷 Intelligence artificielle dans les hôpitaux : du développement au déploiement
The hype around AI is stirring up the healthcare world and piquing our interest. We therefore conducted a survey of AI use cases in French hospitals, allowing us to...
🇫🇷 Interview de Monsieur le Ministre de la Santé et de la Prévention
🇫🇷 Interview de Monsieur le Ministre de la Santé et de la Prévention
🇫🇷 Mettre en place une cohorte plus rapidement, mission (im)possible ?
🇫🇷 Mettre en place une cohorte plus rapidement, mission (im)possible ?
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇫🇷 Mutuelles et innovation santé : quelles ambitions et perspectives ?
Health innovation is one of the main focus of Groupe Vyv and Mgen strategic plans. Several topics are considered, beyond which : key actions to improve impact of health...
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇫🇷 National study of an artificial intelligence tool used for rare disease screening
Varying from a few months to several years, diagnostic errancy is one of the major burdens of rare diseases. This delay in patient management has serious consequences...
🇫🇷 Ré-inventer le parcours de soins grâce à une co-production de données patient-médecin
🇫🇷 Ré-inventer le parcours de soins grâce à une co-production de données patient-médecin
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇫🇷 Retour d'expérience d'une collaboration à succès pour la télésurveillance de patients...
🇫🇷 Santé mentale & innovation : de la crise Covid à une priorité nationale
🇫🇷 Santé mentale & innovation : de la crise Covid à une priorité nationale
🇫🇷 Vers la création de départements dédiés aux données au sein des structures hospitalières ?
🇫🇷 Vers la création de départements dédiés aux données au sein des structures hospitalières ?
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 AI and the success of an industrial-academic partnership serving families and intensive care...
🇬🇧 Building the future of clinical trials with AI - From virtual to synthetic cohorts
🇬🇧 Building the future of clinical trials with AI - From virtual to synthetic cohorts
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How did an interventional cardiology department improve care pathway efficiency?
The medical teams of the cardiology department were faced with a major problem: nursing time clogged with non-medical tasks. The teams wanted to free up nurses' time so...
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How to bring a medical device software to the US market?
Sim&Cure launched its medical device software Sim&Size (Class IIa) in Europe in early 2018. In 2019, the goal was to scale to the US market with a lot of topics to go...
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How to talk to a physician if you are a physicist?
Tips to entrepreneurs or wanna-be entrepreneurs with non-medical background on how to communicate efficiently with health specialists.
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How Virtual Twin Experiences and data-driven insights open up new possibilities in precision...
In this masterclass, you will learn about the concept of digital twins and virtual models and how the intersection of digital innovation, precision and personalized...
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 What is the impact of digital health partnerships on the pharma market access strategy?
Early access to novel and effective health technologies is critical to improve patient outcomes and healthcare systems sustainability. However, across Europe delays in...
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 A machine learning approach using Real World Data for site selection
Clinical trials represent a significant investment with the drug development process. Reducing the duration of clinical trials could have a significant impact on the...
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 AI Act – Focus on Human Oversight
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 AI Driven Design - Smart Platform for Digital Orthopedics
We believe every patient deserves a patient specific medical device that fits their body perfectly. We are building the smart platform for digital orthopedics to make...
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 AI for brain health: trivial or impossible?
🇬🇧 AI for Health 5th edition kick start
🇬🇧 AI for Health 5th edition kick start
🇬🇧 AI for Health Startup Awards Ceremony
🇬🇧 AI for Health Startup Awards Ceremony
Let's finish the day with a special Ceremony, rewarding most promising startups in healthcare! 🎉 1️⃣ Microsoft Startup Awards - by Karine Reynaud and Lise...
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 AI ready enterprise platform - Unleashing Consumption-Based AI with an End-to-End Platform
Hewlett Packard Enterprise and NVIDIA® are advancing healthcare research and development through greater insight, improved productivity, and faster time to discovery....
🇬🇧 AI solutions to accelerate drug innovation at Servier
🇬🇧 AI solutions to accelerate drug innovation at Servier
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 AI to unlock healthcare research and delivery
Medicine, biology, and technology are rapidly converging. The future of health will be data-driven, predictive, and precise. At Microsoft Health Futures, we collaborate...
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 Building the data-powered life sciences business with the Hybrid cloud
Opportunity to unlock data, manage large data sets, ability to deliver better patient outcomes and unlocks greater speed for innovation
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 Building trust: validation beyond the state of the art
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 Case studies of the Application of Digital Tools for Patient-Centric Engagement and...
During the talk, we will cover the ways how we can apply digital tools to engage society (incl. patients) in scientific, and public health initiatives, providing value...
🇬🇧 Creating Transformational Medicines through Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
🇬🇧 Creating Transformational Medicines through Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 Data protection challenges for Digital developments in health
Use case presenting data protection challenges for online observational study development and application to AI context to give practical tips to ensure GDPR compliance.
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 Data structuration & accessibility for AI applications in molecular biology
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 Digital Patient’s Journey : How AI can enhance a pharma product launch?
The role of the internet is becoming increasingly important in patients' daily lives. Searching for information about their pathologies or treatment and seeking others'...
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 Driving Clinical Trial Success with Transformative AI-powered Image Insights - Median...
Standard drug response criteria have some limitations which can hinder understanding why a drug failed or assessing a new Mechanism of Action. Intelligent imaging is...
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 Fighting Cancer - With Drugs, Food and xAI
🇬🇧 From market access to the evaluation of AI-based medical devices: a regulatory adventure
🇬🇧 From market access to the evaluation of AI-based medical devices: a regulatory adventure
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 From optimizing detection of Covid-19 variants to railway routing: lessons learnt delivering...
🇬🇧 Healthcare & AI : Now and Next - Overview of what does AI bring to healthcare in 2022
🇬🇧 Healthcare & AI : Now and Next - Overview of what does AI bring to healthcare in 2022
🇬🇧 Healthcare & AI : Now and Next - Testimony of experts on what does AI bring to healthcare in...
🇬🇧 Healthcare & AI : Now and Next - Testimony of experts on what does AI bring to healthcare in...
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How did OdySight become the first remote monitoring tool financed by French social security?
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How does AV technology improve patient care while removing geographic constraints?
To improve their practices, physicians have always needed to share with their peers. They often need industry representatives or clinical support in the lab to help...
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How does Bayer make AI actionable for its Marketing and Sales departments?
The health crisis has led to structural changes in the way pharmaceutical companies can interact with Healthcare professionals, and therefore reach their patients :...
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How healthcare startups are adapting their business models to a changing market?
In this Master Class, we will discuss the different types of business models for healthcare startups on the global stage and will feature a discussion between Alice...
🇬🇧 How to build a data-driven health system in Europe?
🇬🇧 How to build a data-driven health system in Europe?
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How to co-create useful AI tools with healthcare professionals?
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How to evolve from a research-based innovation in genomics to an industrialized SaaS product?
These five last years, thanks to the acceleration of technologies in DNA analysis and their greater accessibility, many research projects are interested in the...
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How to revolutionize the use of health data without compromising on confidentiality?
Corporate Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 How to scale-up in the innovative AI healthcare ecosystem?
When is the right time to scale-up? - What are the main challenges? - One market at a time or Europe, US, Global? - What support is needed from government, EU? Is it...
🇬🇧 In the heart of your home: perspectives for patient remote monitoring in cardiology
🇬🇧 In the heart of your home: perspectives for patient remote monitoring in cardiology
Startups Masterclass Stage
🇬🇧 Is AI for radiology solved in 2022?
Raidium is an early stage Medtech startup, Founded by two ex early employees of Owkin. Raidium technology is based on Self Supervised Deep Learning algorithms, a new...
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